Digital Strategist
NoorTap Stand

Digitize your business card.

The first impression is the best impression. All your contact details in a tap. Tap and share your contact details, your Company’s Social Media, Profile, Menu, and many more. Any time you can change the noortap digital business card details.

All in one Place

NoorTap Stand
NoorTap Business Card

NoorTap Stand
NoorTap Custom Printed Card
NoorTap Stand
NoorTap Stand


How does Stand work

NFC Technology and QR Code.

Almost 90% of Android phones have NFC enabled. And all the iPhones launched on and after September 2018, For phones that do not support NFC our stand will have a QR code, which can be read by any smartphone through the camera.

Device Support

Works on both Android and iOS

Do my customers require an app to utilize NoorTap?

No. Your customers don’t need any app to view your information

How to setup my stand?

Once you receive your stand, you can tap or scan your stand to activate and create your account. No application needed and it takes less than 2 minutes to setup.

Custom Print - Design

For the custom print NoorTap Digital Business Card. Designs should be provided.

Renewal Fee

2nd year onwards QAR 90 for Renewal fee